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in five years’ time
年后  detail>>
in five years
再过五年 在五年内  detail>>
holmium  detail>>
in years’ time
十五年以后(用于将来时)  detail>>
after five years
岁月无声  detail>>
five hundred years
五百年  detail>>
five years ago
五年前 五年之前  detail>>
five years in a continuous cycle
五年一贯制  detail>>
sign on for five years in the army
签约服兵役五年  detail>>
sixty-five years old
六十五岁  detail>>
eleven years and five month old
十一岁零五个月  detail>>
five years have elapsed in a flash
一晃就是5年  detail>>
he was only five years old then
当时他才五岁  detail>>
now twenty five years old
现年25岁  detail>>
pronounce a sentence of five years on sb
宣判某人五年徒刑  detail>>
who spent the last five years
用过去五年的时时  detail>>
as time (days, years) goes by
随着时间流逝  detail>>
in two years’ time
两年的时间之内  detail>>